Where do land grabbing developers in Mexico get off with Photoshop versions of their resorts and promising they will be open in a few months. Saxaa A3 resorts has been doing it for four years while knowing full well there is a legal dispute over most of the property in Tenacacita. I've seen the Photoshopping on other developments in our area but this one is especially important due to Rodenas and Villalobos stealing the land, destroying businesses and very possibly the lives of the people of Rebalsito and Tenacatita. I hope this POS never happens
Map of location on Google
A3 Saxaa Resort, is the creation of an original destination for the sophisticated adventurer, respecting and preserving the environment and the natural beauty of the area. The total satisfaction of our customers, under a family atmosphere and 100% organic. Under the policies of the Group Saxaa Honesty, Professionalism and great respect for our environment.
Saxaa A3 Website
Desconozco en que se basa para escribir pero creo que hay un error en donde marca esto la ubicación, estuve hospedad y pase días formidables, el hecho que exista un posible error en una publicación no da derecho a desprestigiar a una empresa, porque no pregunta directo al resort y disipa sus dudas. No es photoshop como usted mal informa. Dejo claro que simplemente Soy una persona que disfruto su estancia y nada mas, no gano nada y principalmente una opositora a las calumnias porque simplemente alguien lo supone o cree porque si. Buena Tarde
I do not know that it is based to write but I think there is an error in which mark this location , I was hospedad and spend formidable days , where there is a possible error in a publication made no right to discredit a company, because no question direct the resort and dispel their doubts. Not bad photoshop as you reported . Made it clear that I am a person who simply enjoy their stay and nothing else, I gain nothing and mainly an opposition to the calumnies because someone simply assumed or believed because. good Afternoon
Very simply ..... there are no resorts at Tenacatita Beach. Maybe somewhere else on the Bahia de Tenacatita.
Please tell us where
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